Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Natural Environment VS Conserving Natural Environment

Our natural environment was something that extremely essential to support all the living things in this blue earth. Since thousand years before century, living things in this earth create a bond of symbiosis amongst them weather directly or indirectly. Not to specify the predator and prey interaction, parasitic, mutualistic as well as commensal interactions. If you talk about the price of natural environment, we can assume that as the price of everything.

We look closely to certain issues,

1. Opening Forest for Agriculture

Economists and Businessman were racing to get a hold on land around the globe. Its not for the dream home, dream park, or for place to have peace of mind. Some of the objectives is to open job opportunities, to increase country income, and some to develop the land that said has been left behind by the development. But, the main objective is to get bucks from it.
They cleared the forest/jungle for cultivation, they generate waste to pollute environment and done too much  damage to the environment just to get extra income. Most of this activity will earn double or triple to the cost their invest on the activities.

Is there anyone learn business? I guess, having too much profit means something was wrong. Unless u winning a lottery, there is no chance the cost vs profit will vary that much.

Am not saying that agriculture is bad, or any parties is doing wrong, it just something was missed.

I guess, there is an answer for the question. Why there is so much profit? Because they didn't give out cost for the environment.

When you producing something, there will be a list of cost included which at the end will be deducted from the income to get the profit value. However, during listing the cost, no one will ever look outside the office and ask the land, air, rivers and also other part of environment, how much have they lost. Since all of them a deaf, static, unharmed in some way and cant tell the people what they need, so those developer will never know.

Are you saying that the environment is the one who didn't do their part? NO!

Nowadays, strange weathers, rare events, extreme weathers and so many things happening were actually related to one another. Take a simple explanation, all the living things in this world are all dependent on each other. The equilibrium has been reached long time ago and now all of a sudden lots of things is changing.

All of this might be caused by the earth system or natural environment is once again are working on reaching the equilibrium, or maybe it was caused by the ecosystems getting together like building an army to attack humans.

It might not be able to satisfy all the ecosystem by giving out some cost for them but still, it could make a difference. Some cost for soil erosion control, establishment of buffer zone, conserving wild animals, enriching forest canopy and lots more program can be done just give out the cost of environment. There is a lot of NGOs and government agencies which would be happy to help you out in this.

Just an opinion from,
A. Hamid K.

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